How to keep insects out of your static caravan

When it comes to enjoying a peaceful getaway in your static caravan or holiday lodge, the last thing you want is to be bothered by pesky insects and bugs. These uninvited guests can quickly put a damper on your holiday, particularly in the summer months when you want to let in some fresh air.

Flies can be a particular problem if your holiday caravan is near a water source.

But with some proactive measures and products, you can keep these pests at bay and try to create a bug-free environment in your static caravan or holiday lodge.

Here we bring you our top tips for keeping insects out of your static caravan and recommend some products to help you maintain a pest-free retreat.

1. Invest in fly screens

Investing in fly screens specifically designed for static caravans or lodges is an excellent way to enjoy fresh air without inviting bugs into your living space. Install high-quality mesh screens that fit securely to your doors, windows and even skylights. Make sure there are no gaps or tears.

Image from Ecoscreen

These screens will allow you to enjoy the breeze while keeping insects out of your static caravan. Look for fly screens that are easy to install and remove, durable, and offer excellent visibility. And if you take a pet or pets on your caravan holidays there are also pet screens.

A chain fly screen across your entrance door can also help to keep out flying bugs.

chain fly screen to keep insects out

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2. Store food properly

Bugs are often attracted to food sources. Make sure your food items are stored in airtight containers to prevent them from becoming targets for insects and avoid leaving uncovered food out on countertops or tables, as it can attract flies and other insects. When dining outdoors you can use mesh food covers to keep bugs out.

mesh food cover to keep insects out

Quickly cleaning up any spills or crumbs will help to reduce the chances of attracting bugs inside your holiday caravan.

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3. Keep things clean

Regular cleaning is essential to keeping insects out of your static caravan. Vacuum and sweep the floors, wipe down surfaces, and empty rubbish bins regularly.

Caravan vacuum cleaner

Pay special attention to hidden areas, such as under furniture, under the beds, and under appliances, like toasters, where crumbs and debris can quickly accumulate.

4. Use natural deterrents

Certain scents and natural remedies can act as deterrents to insects. Consider using essential oils like peppermint, lavender, or tea tree oil, which bugs tend to dislike. Dilute a few drops in water and use a spray bottle to apply the mixture around doorways, windows, and other entry points to create a natural barrier.

Or use an ultrasonic essential oil diffuser or oil burner.

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5. Use insect repellents and traps

When spending time outdoors, it’s important to protect yourself from biting insects. Apply insect repellents containing DEET or natural alternatives to exposed skin to ward off flies and other insects.

Inside, strategically place insect traps or zappers around your static caravan or lodge to lure and eliminate flying bugs. There are also hand-held electric bug zappers to swat flies and other bugs and fly trap window stickers!

window fly sticker

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Hopefully, these tips will help to create a bug-free haven in your static caravan or holiday lodge. Do you have any other ideas for keeping insects out of your static caravan lodge that you’d like to share? Please comment in the box below.

4 comments on “How to keep insects out of your static caravan

  1. We fitted insect mesh on the inside of every vent in the caravan. After fly infestations like something out of the exorcist …
    It seams to have done the trick we have had 2 visits since and not a fly !

  2. In new vans it seems to be the norm as insects get in and lay eggs during construction. Our first year we had loads of flys but like the comment above, I fitted mesh over all the vents and we seem pretty clear this year. Don’t forget to clean the mesh though as lack of ventilation can cause damp

    1. Hi,
      Can you give me some advice about the mesh. What type of mesh do I get and how do I fix it to the vents ?
      We have just moved into a new caravan and have noticed lots of little spiders.

  3. Our gas appliance tester informed us that it is not permitted to fit flyscreen mesh to permanent vents, in case of a gas leak. If they are permitted, why don’t the manufacturers fit them? We had to vacuum dead flies out of the channels for the sliding patio doors, on delivery. We have a U/V lamp on a timer.

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