Three static caravanning hacks

Like your home, owning a static caravan requires a little bit of care and attention to make sure it remains in great condition. Here we bring you three simple static caravanning hacks to help you look after your static caravan!

1. The coin trick to check for power cuts

Have you ever returned to your static caravan after some time away, only to wonder if there might have been a power cut which could have caused your freezer food to defrost and refreeze? Here’s a quick and easy hack to check if this has happened…

Fill a small cup or an ice tray with water and freeze it solid. Once frozen, place a coin on top of the ice and leave it in your freezer.

static caravanning hack coin on ice trick

If you return and the coin is still on top of the ice, your freezer has kept things frozen. If the coin has sunk to the bottom or is partially submerged, it’s a clear sign the ice has melted at some point and refroze, indicating a power outage.

coin under ice has refozen

This little hack could save you from eating spoiled food or having to empty the freezer unnecessarily.

Our Leisuredays static caravan insurance policy does provide cover for damage to frozen food caused by a rise or a fall in temperature (underwriting terms and conditions apply). But if you’re leaving your static caravan unoccupied for long periods it’s best to remove food, including frozen food from your freezer, in case of a power cut and so you don’t attract vermin.

2. Check guttering with a selfie stick

Blocked gutters filled with leaves, moss, or other debris can cause water to overflow, potentially damaging your static caravan’s exterior or damp issues inside. But clambering up a ladder to check them isn’t always ideal. Instead, try this clever trick using a smartphone and a selfie stick!

static caravanning hack with selfie stick

Attach your phone securely to a selfie stick and extend it high enough to see into your guttering. Use your phone’s camera (video mode works best) to check for blockages or debris without needing to climb up high!

static caravan hack checking guttering

This trick makes checking your guttering as part of your static caravan spring checks safe and easy – no ladders needed!

3. Removing black streaks 

Black streaks are the bane of every static caravan owner’s life. Caused by by dirt and algae which build up around windows, door frames and blocked guttering meaning when rainwater runs down the side of your static caravan or lodge it leaves a trail which over time can become unsightly.

black streaks on static caravan

But don’t worry – you don’t need fancy cleaning products to remove black streaks from your static caravan.

Clean the area first with a caravan shampoo, spray a small amount of WD-40 multi-use onto a cloth then rub over the affected area to lift the black streaks from your caravan. Follow this with a dab of Silky cleaner (a gentle cream cleaner) on a wet paintbrush, then rinse and wipe clean.

Silky for cleaning static caravan

These simple hacks can save you time, effort, and even money when it comes to looking after your static caravan.

Whether it’s keeping an eye on your power supply, checking your guttering, or tackling those unsightly black streaks, these simple tricks will leave you more time to relax!

Over to you…

Do you have any tried-and-tested static caravanning hacks? Share them with us in the comments below…

Leisuredays Insurance: Click to find out more about protecting your holiday home with our specialist static caravan insurance.

5 comments on “Three static caravanning hacks

  1. To confirm your heating has not failed during close down, fit a max/min thermometer. Don’t forget to reset it each time you visit.

  2. Spray door locks with WD40 when closing down for winter. No seized locks in the spring.

  3. Use a weak solution of Patio Magic on the area where black streak will appear I find this keeps these streaks at bay for the season. You can use it on the decking as well of course , but always read the instructions carefully as it is a chemical.

  4. We rent our caravan out and discovered we needed a fire risk assessment which is a legal requirement for caravans, probably an insurance requirement to.

  5. You don’t need a coin. Just put an ice cube in a plastic bag – if you check and it’s no longer a cube shape you know you’ve had a power cut.

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