Tips for being more environmentally friendly on your caravan holidays

Our recent holiday park recycling poll revealed many holiday caravanners like to be green with more than half saying they used on site recycling bins. So here’s our top tips for being more environmentally friendly when on your caravan holidays.

Many holiday parks across the UK are already doing their bit for the environment with some located in areas of special interest, or actively promoting beach cleans, wildlife conservation and green charters.

Holiday park recycling
Ranch Caravan Park Grundon Recycling

As well as recycling your waste at your holiday park, or by taking it to a local recycling centre or home, there are other ways you can be kind to the environment when on holiday.

Go local

Eat locally and buy your groceries from the local farmer’s market or food shop. Just buy what you need to avoid waste.

Reduce packaging buys

At the supermarket try to buy unpackaged fruit and vegetables and try to avoid foodstuff and drinks in plastic containers, by opting for glass or tins, which are more easily recycled.

Say no to plastic straws and cutlery.


Take a reusable water bottle, coffee cup or flask on your walks, to the beach, etc. Many takeaway coffee shops will make up your coffee in your cup rather than a takeaway one.

Reusable drink containers

Carrier bags are so last season. Make sure you have a supply of reusable shopping bags at your holiday caravan so you’re not having to buy a plastic carrier bag at the shops.

There are zero-waste shops in some towns and villages where you can take refillable containers for things like pasta, rice and cereals. Why not give it a go! Check out zero-waste near to your current location at There are a positively surprising amount of retailers listed.

Also, pack sandwiches in airtight containers or these funky Beeswax wraps so you can reuse them again and again.

Take your rubbish with you

If you take a picnic to the beach or local park, then take your rubbish back to your holiday caravan. At busy times, local bins can get full very quickly and you don’t want litter spilling out onto the beach or countryside.


Recycle as much of your food and packaging waste as possible.

Recycling waste

Wash plastic food containers, glass and cans before putting in the recycling and if your park doesn’t have separate bins for these then take them home to recycle or to a local recycling point. If you have a small recycling bin at your static caravan or lodge it will act as a reminder to recycle your waste.

Conserve energy

Be more green and energy-efficient by using as little water as possible. Only turn on the dishwasher or washing machine when you have a full load, and consider a shower over a bath where possible.

Install low-energy lightbulbs and turn off lights when you’re not in the room. Avoid leaving devices on standby or on charge for longer than necessary.

Consider investing in solar powered lights to place around your caravan’s exterior saving you the need to leave your its wired external lights on for long periods. Solar powered decking post lights could blend in nicely with your existing caravan veranda.

setting heating to frost setting

Turn off the heating if you’re going out or turn down the thermostat and let your park owner know if you have a dripping tap, so you’re not wasting water.

Bin the wipes

Keeping everything clean is very high on everyone’s agenda at the time of writing (June 2020) but swap face wipes and antiseptic wipes for good old fashioned cloths. Wipes can take years to break down and if flushed down the loo (which you should never do) they can block pipes and drains. Yes you’ll have to change and wash cloths regularly to stop them harbouring germs, but just keep several in your caravan as they’re relatively inexpensive and so you’ve always got a clean one in reserve.

Walk or cycle

environmentally friendly cycling on caravan holiday

The recent lockdown has been a great opportunity to give the car a holiday and walk and cycle more, so why not continue to do this when on your caravan holidays?

Over to you…

Have you got any tips for being environmentally-friendly you want to share with fellow holidaymakers?

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